Vices are the abnormal behavior or bad habits shown by animal. Some of the vices shown by domestic animals are:
prevention:Allow free movement/ take out from the stall.
2)Tongue rolling
Prevention :Provision of salt licks, isolation of affected animals,insertion of metal ring in the tongue,wind sucking straps.
3)Coprophagy behavior : Animal eats own dung which may be due to bad weather,indigestion,starved condition or mineral deficiency.
Provide cobalt,vitamin B12 in their diet
4) Masturbation in bulls
5)Kicking, Butting
Animals should be carefully handled. Food should be offered to calm them.
Butting means to hit by head or horns.
6)Food throwing, Over eating
Reason behind food throwing is unknown.
Overeating can be controlled by; Split feeding, feeding hay before feeding grains,rumenotomy, not treatable if hypothalamus is involved.
7)Wool pulling and wool eating,Licking in eating own hair.
Due to deficiency in roughage in diets.Provision in salts, avoid early weaning, provide adequate food.
8)Sucking and eating solid object
Provision of enough roughage. Paint the bars or solid object.
9)Intersucking by calves
avoid early weaning
10)Milk sucking by adult animals
Application of muzzle. Keep the lactating animals away in seperate place.
11)Self sucking
Application of muzzle
12)Cross fostering
Dairy calf refuse to accept others child. You should cover the new calf with drapes soaked with amniotic fluid or skin of the cow's dead calf or blind folding the calf. Encouraging the cow with food rewards can also helps.