Recents in Beach

Scope of Agriculture in Nepal 2022/23 (Bsc Ag in Nepal)

Agriculture is the science, and business of cultivating crops and livestock for living and economic purposes.  Agriculture is a broad term encompassing all aspects of crop production, horticulture, livestock farming, forestry etc. Agriculture is one of the important aspects of our economy.More than 60% of total population are involved in agriculture. 

The country with efficient agriculture system help in the economic development. Nepal needs large number skilled manpower in the field of agriculture. The undergraduates in the agriculture science can work as agricultural officer, technician, agro expert, field officer, supervisor, laboratory specialist. There are various factories and industries working in the field of agriculture where graduates can work. The NGO/ INGO’s hires technical professional working in the field of agriculture science. There are academic and research sector where graduates can pursue their careers. Similarly, graduates can go for governmental and semi governmental jobs. Moreover, agriculture science has lot of scope in the developed countries providing graduates with jobs and decent salary.


1. Provides employment

Agriculture has the contribution of 31.6% in the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country.  The agricultural sector is responsible for the employment of more than 60% of country’s workforce.

2. Food Processing Industry

 Post Harvest Food Losses are two types Qualitative & Quantative both. Post Harvest Losses in Cereals by 20-30% and Fruit & Vegetables by up to 60%. There is several losses of fruits and vegetable  due to lack of storage and processing facilities. So these industries needs you.

3. Cold Storage

 Nepal is far behind in a cold storage facilities. There is a hike in price within the year, like Potato available during harvesting time in throw away price but after 3-6 month it is may up to 20 times higher. We can see this type of trade in so many crops like Fruits & Vegetables due to lack of cold stores.

4. Organic Crops

There are so many diseases or physiological disorder occurring in Human being due to change of lifestyle & food habits.Nowadays people use inorganic chemicals to grow the crops which are bad for health. Now people are educated & they are ready to pay higher price for safer food or organic food. 

5.Ayurvedic Medicine

 Aurvedic medicine & food supplement demand are increasing day by day in the world. All aurvedic medicine made by herbs only so you can grow high demand aurvedic herbs, as Nepal is the home of Aurvedic herbs.

6. Diary

 There is a huge scope in dairy industries.

7. Farming

You can buy acres of land and do your own farming or hire people to farm. Basically, start your own farming business. You can do experiments with new crops, fruits there. Like kiwi farming, avocado farming or any.

8. Government Jobs

- You can get job in various civil services
- Agricultural Development Bank
-Plant Breeder
-Agricultural Research Scientists
-Agricultural Officer
-Agricultural Technicians
-Seed technologists, etc

9.You can also get job in NGO's/ INGO's.

10. Marketing

Bsc not only teaches you to grow crops but also to sell them.

11. Foreign country

After the completion of your study, you can go to foreign countries either to study or to work.
There you can work in farm or in some research works with high salary.

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